hello to you all!
i'v been having a fairly good week so far.. i missed my volleyball game to go to dance today... i hope we won.. anyways, my brother went to six flags this weekend and he had an awesome time! (to hear more exicting news on the topic with the new and improved "Jeff commentary" you can see his blog for the "insane and awesome and STINKIN RAD" information) Nicole and stephanie got baptized on sunday! hooray!
on thursday and friday i was doing the "listening prayer" ...if you don't know what it is, it's like.. you think of a question to ask God... like "when you look into my heart, what do you see?" or "if i was an animal, what would it be and why?" and then you pray and you listen to what God says. Most of the time the answer comes very clear and fast right away when you think about it. and most poeple at first think that it's just in your head, but 95% of the time, it's God! and if it agrees with the word of God, then it's from him. So anyways.. i was asking God a few questions and here's some..
(me) "What do you love about me?" (Jesus) "your purity, worship, dance, passion to please me, love for me (and others)
(me) "what do you see when you look into my eyes?" (Jesus) "your eyes looking back into mine, fire, tears
(me) "How come you love me so much?" (Jesus) "because i created you beautifully, because your my daughter, beacuse your cool, and becasue you love me."
(me) "what game do you wnat to play with me? (why?)" (Jesus) "I spy with my little eye - I want you to look for something i see (in your life)."
(me) "what do you want to tell me right now?" (Jesus) "i love you, your beautiful, talented and fun to be with."
(me) "what type of flower am I (and why)?" (Jesus) "a daisy because you're friendly"
(me) "what kind of bird am I (and why)?" (Jesus) "a duck because you bring joy to people."
(me) "If you could take me to one place in the world, where would it be and why?" (Jesus) "i would take you to Disneyland because it's the happiest place on earth and you love it there."
you see.. this kind of prayer is SO FUN!! God totally speaks to you through it and increases your faith because your actually haveing a conversation with God! He's SO cool! i wish i could do that more... if you think of some good questions about anything.. just let me know... and please do this! it's so awesome how God answers you and listens to you. it's so encouraging!
so... there's an idea for you all! try it sometime.
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