hey everyone. Happy Thanksgiving! i like having 4 day weekends don't you? :) ya... so ummm.... theres not very much new stuff happening right now... my parents were gone all week and came back yesterday. my volleyball team won our game against Ridge (the grade 10 team) so that was cool. me, Jeff, and Sarah(o) went to "toys r us" today and and my brother bought a light bright for like $11 so if you feel a sudden urge to buy a light bright, that's the place to go, its a steal. i can't wait to eat dinner tomorrow, my Oma is the best food-maker and she's so cute!
i've been thinking yesterday and today a lot about things that i'm thankful for. the list is un-ending. God has blessed me SOSOSO much!! it's amazing that i grew up in this environment. i'm so fortunate to live in a peaceful country, a christian home, a loving family and everything i have. and i don't know.. it's so wierd how i live in this big huge house and stuff where my room could be the size of some average house somewhere in a foreign country. Or like i can just take a cup and run tap water in it and it'd be fine to drink, but some women in africa have to carry 5 litres of crap water on their heads for 3 miles ever day... what's up with that? why do i get all this? i don't even deserve it. God is teaching me about taking things for granted i must stop that!! but.. ya i'm very thankful for everything God has blessed me with, and especially at this time in my life, (and this holliday) it's important to do that.
i finished the book of John and now i'm into Acts (it's so dope!) -i hung out with my brother today k, it's not my fault i said (...or... typed) "dope"- but ya, in acts chapter 5 the apostles were being punished and stuff because the were using the name of Jesus when the were preaching and in ch 5:41 (SOOO GOOD!! [h star r]) it says: the apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been considered worthy of suffering dishonor for the name of Jesus
-that's so cool!-
ok i'm getting a little bit tired and i don't have anything else to write so.. have an awesome weekend, blessings be upon you
--tunes of the week: "it's time" -Wildings, "Be the king (of this heart)" -Matt Redman--
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