Wednesday, November 5

What's up my homeslices? I'm kickin' it in da crib yo!...right... anyways... it was a hard lose against Garabaldy today... game 5 we lost 15-13 ...we should have won! ...but we didn't. Oh well.. me and my brother are going to the Five Iron Frenzy concert on sunday in Seattle!! YA! it'll be super fun! i'm excited... ok... ummm... i'm reading in 1 Corinthians (..not coronicles)... thats all...

I feel like i'm in that place where i just want to surrender myself over to God and let Him mold me, cut me, create me (etc). I don't care anymore! I need God in my life, I need him inside of me, i need to "Pray continually" (1 thess. 5:17) and talk to him! he's my best friend, i think maybe i should talk to him more often! I want my goal in life to be "Becoming one with Christ" (Phil. 3:7-11 ***read this!!!***) ok i don't know if becoming one with Christ is possible, i want to strive for it, I want God to be the only thing i'm living for! I may not feel him, but i need to trust in him and in his power. I need his peace through the storms (shannons blog talks a little bit about that) I need his love to fill my thoughts. I want to live like how Jesus lived, I want Jesus to burn inside of me so much that it cunsumes me and i can't hold it in! (Jer. 20:9) I need to become a living sacrifice before God (Romans 12:1-2) and be in the world but not of it! I want God to fill me with his love, peace joy, and mercy. I don't feel him, but i feel peace. But you know what? I can't do any of this on my own! i've tyed! and failed!!! i need God! I need him to give me the strength to stay in his loving arms and live a life of purity, holiness and praise. He has to cut out of me my dirty, sinful nature and replace it with grace, power and love! i can't live without God and i and nothing without Him.

So Jesus, i pray that you will come near to me as i come near to you (in faith). I want to feel you and talk to you (more) and KNOW you! let that happen. Help me be a better friend to you, i love you so much. please come into my life and take me away with you, help me live for you, help me talk to you, help me worship you with everything i do!!

k at youth yesterday kate chose a vonderful goot song!! it really reflects what i'm feeling at the moment...

All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust him, in his service daily give.

All to Jesus I surrender, humbly at His feet I bow;
worldly pleasure all forsaken take me Jesus take me now!

All to Jesus I surrender, make me, Saviour, wholly thine;
let me feel our love and power, truely know that thou art mine!

All to Jesus I surrender, Lord i give myself to thee;
fill me with thy love and power, let the blessing fall on me

I surrender all, I surrender all
all to thee, my blessed Saviour
I surrender all

ya.. that's pretty cool
pray for me!! i need God's help cause' i'll fail if i try to do everything by myself, i need to rest in His arms... may the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you (and through you!)

...peace out, word to your mothers



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