Tuesday, January 27

hello everyone.
i'm finally done exams! praise the Lord! ...except yesterday i woke up with a really big cold... that's not a very good thing. it was probly because for 2 weeks i haven't had any time for anything because of school and sports and stuff, that's why i haven't written on here either. but.. ya today was supposed to be the start of my "fun week" with no school, but now i have to stay home and stuff... :( oh well.. it's Teresa's birthday today and she got her L :)yay

i was listening to Jeffs workshop on "the friendship and the fear" from the "take hold" conference and it was totally what i have been thinking about lately! completely in reverance before God, realizing that He is holy, but at the same time, having an intimate relationship with him. he is SO HOLY you guys! we need to understand. if we knew the extent of how wonderful He is, our lives would completely change! i want God to humble me. like jeff said, it's a journey. i want to discover how far i can go in humility. i must decrease and He must increase! it's not about me!! i just want to live my life with worth. i want to please my creator! life is meaningless... everything is meanlingless!

psalm 86:11
"...give me an undivided heart..." (NIV)
"...then undivided, i'll worship in joyful fear..." (MSG)

~i want my heart to be in undivided devotion to Jesus!

i read Romans 12 in the message bible.. it's super good! read all of it.. right now! it's way too long for me to write it all out, but i'll put a few things from it on here. oh ya.. i'm reading "the purpose driven life" right now. you shold read it. i'm on day 12 or something so far.

so here's what i want you to do, God helping you: take you everyday, ordinary life- your sleeping and eating.. and place it before God as an offering

embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. instead, fix your attention on God. you'll be changed from the inside out.

God brings out the best in you

love from the centre of who you are; don't fake it. run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. be good friends who love deeply; practice playing the second fiddle.

be alert sevants of the master, cheerfully expectant. don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder.

discover beauty in everyone. if you've got it in you, get along with everybody.

if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. your generosity will suprise him with goodness. don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.

anyways.. i've been thinking a lot about loving each other... looking at people the way God sees them, not how i see them. loving people with Gods love, not mine. Gods starting to challenge me with that, to get along with people better and do it joyfully.

so... that's pretty much it.. pray for me to get better and stuff
love you:)


tOoNs: Switchfoot (new way to be human album) "Lord you're near" ~Samual Lane (Vineyard) Matt Redman, Just Stay Calm has some sweet sauce music... Jeffypoo and Katieboo are great:)

"Lord you know what i long for ~ You're all i want in this life"


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