umm... cool colors eh? ya i thought so too. it's my brothers birthday today. happy birthday Jason!! :) love you man. it's finally saturday and i didn't have to get up early for school. that's always a good thing. i had an awesome time with Jess yesterday.. :) yay for friends! we had a 3 day week in school because of the snow.. i needed that, i could barely open my eyes. i don't have any homework this weekend! YES!
i'm doing way way better than my last blog.. and reading it, i realized even when i was writing it, i was feeling better by the end of it. that's one thing i like about blogs, when you write your feelings down, you think about them more and you understand them. then it's easier to work through it 'cause then you know how your feeling-if that makes sense- but anyways, basically God just taught me to trust him even when my emotions don't. it's hard, but his peace surpasses all comprehension and He is the calm of the storm.
i just finished reading this book about Jesus' life but Mary was the main character so it was like in her perspective. it was cool, i liked it because you can have an idea of her feelings and during His birth and death and stuff.. ya. but what really got me was Jesus' death. it wasn't anything special, nothing i haven't heard before, but every time i hear his death in detail and just like everything he went through and i think about it, it makes me cry. there is so much depth that i don't understand. Jesus DIED! and he died for ME! i am so unworthy, but Jesus makes me worthy because of what he did he made me clean. it's so beautiful! i love what he has done theres nothing that compares to the cross! o man words cannot explain it! that reminds me of Jeffs song:
my mind cannot explain it
my heart cannot contain it
i just love you...
theres more but that's the jist of it. o man i love Jesus SO MUCH! he's my hearts desire. He's the only thing worth living for! i haven't even seen anything close to his beauty, yet i stand in awe. if i could put my heart into words, it would be billions of pages long! i can't explain it! but basically, i'm just learning (even as we- or.. i- speak)what Jesus has done for me. He is so amazing!
phillippians 3:7-9 (nlt)
I once thought that all these things were important, but now i consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared to the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it as all garbage, so that I may have Christ and become one with him...
colossians 2:13-15
you were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. then God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all our sins. He cancelled the record that contained the charges against us. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ's cross. in this way, God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross of Christ.
here's an awesome song that i like:
how can i know you more
teach me who you really are
i long to come so close
t'know how it feels to be loved
i wanna see you now
touch your face and hold your hand Jesus
Jesus your love is wonderful to me
so.. ya that's about it.. theres not that much stuff new with me, but that's ok
tunes of the week: "Beautiful" and "i want to see you now" ~vineyard CD, "i cannot hide my love" ~not sure (?), wildings
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