Saturday, June 12

sup fools! i'm marshie.. i mean.. what? k BLINSIDE IS MY HERO! and POD was rocking it up too! oh man, i love concerts.. and crowd surfing, (it sucked so much mark!) lol any ways, ya i had a blast. (read nikki's blog for more info) now the only band from my "must see" list that i must see is switchfoot... so exams are coming up and i'm getting pretty busy, i just can't wait till it's all over and i can stay up late and sleep in! we gotta do lots and have fun in the sun! oh, and i decided i'm going to HPMCS next year for sure

my relationship with God is doing really good.. i've been thinking and learning stuff, even though i haven't like read my bible that much, i'm just feeling like God is taking me in his arms and letting me rest there, knowing that i don't have to do anything to earn his love... and there's nothing that can separate me from it. i'm doing other stuff to spend time with him, like pray or play guitar, or listen to worship.. i'm just thinking a lot. i was talking to Jess, and it was cool. -you can be as close to God as you want, or allow- wow! i'm so far away from where i want to be, but at the same time, i love the journey that i'm on. i had been striving to know christ and setting rules, it's not about that. it's about relationship. it's about living in the knowlage that you are nothing, but everything in Jesus, it's about living like you're going to die in a month. -what would you do? DO YOU WANT TO BE TELLING THE STORIES OR HEARING THEM? that's my motto. in the long run, what does money, clothes, or a test matter? build relationships!! with God and people. love each other. love as Jesus loved. ...there's my lovely ramble for ya:)

i have a question i've been thinking about... do you think that it's possible for a christian (who's been saved) to become a non-christian and not be able to go to heaven? like, what if they were like "oh, i didn't mean what what i said when i believed in God" and totally live against all our beliefs? i don't know what to think ..please comment your opinion

blindside for prime misister! i love 'em
POD's old stuff.. and the things they were playing last night
Switchfoot is always in the tops of the charts!
dave matthews, coldplay, Lauren Hill...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey its nikki..i was just talkgin to someone on msn about this it is..
yea..prbaly not..hey i have a question..if someone is a christian then later they say they they go to heaven...i dotbn think so..cuz the bible syas that if you deny that Jesus is Lord you cant. get into heaven but also..the bible doesnt actually say that we have to "accept Jesus into our hearts and you can go to heaven" it says that we have to tell peopel abotu him adn belive in Him...hmm...din
Nicole~ says:
Nicole~ says:
but paul denied Jesus right..?
Nicole~ says:
my friend was just writing in her blog and askign that question.adn its go tme thining now..
Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported. says:
well, it's all up to God, so it's hard to say definitively, but Jesus says that he will bring those that he knows into heaven - so if we accept him as our saviour (which the bible does say to do) and follow, he welcomes us into the home he's prepared for us. So if someone begins denying Jesus, and doesn't repent, then I'd say they fall under the 'those who deny me I will deny' category.
Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported. says:
as for Paul, he denied Jesus, but then repented
Nicole~ says:
yea yea true
Nicole~ says:
hmm..that works..
Nicole~ says:
yea..well God knows our intentions and every its not our job to decide whos getting in by what we see...because so many people put up fronts..

1:27 AM, June 13, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Janelle. Yah, good words Christine! I've been thinking alot of the same things too... relationships vs. things of this world that will all fall away. and if i were to die in 2 days, how would I live differently? (first of all I'd say heck with sleeping! i've got things to do! maybe that's why I'm awake at 1:13 AM reading blogs? who knows the intricate thinkings of mine brain at this hour anyway? anyway, about the whole denying Christ after becoming a Christian thing... I don't believe that after experiencing Christ (and I mean truly EXPERIENCING Him, not just hearing about Him or reading about Him, etc), someone CAN deny that He exists. Like, it'd be as thought someone has just spent an hour in the pool, comes out and dries off and then looks at the water and says "hmm, yah, i don't think water is actually WET." We'd all be like "um, hello? You were just in it, crazy foo! of COURSE it's wet! You felt it for yourself!" so for people who say they are Christians and then later completely disregard the Lord, I would question the authenticity of their committment in the first place. I know that i've been thru times where I'm so desperate that I'm just like "God, if you're REALLY there, DO something!" and I've doubted, but to completely turn away... i don't think it's possible. I honestly think it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for me to turn around and deny Jesus. because I've LIVED with Him! I've seen His works and wonders and promises come true... i think that's all my shutting down brain will let out for now. tune in next time for more Jolly Good Jovial Thoughts with Janelle. over and out
[cue commercials...]

1:19 AM, June 19, 2004  
Blogger Dara said...

Hello to my beautiful cousin! I didn't know you had a blog until Jason made reference to it. It's hard to believe that little Christine is writing with such depth - you've grown up!

Anyway, with regard to the eternal security question issue, a friend of mine actually did a lot of research into that. Here's the link to his website:

It's tough slogging, but basically comes down to say that once saved, always saved.

7:50 PM, June 19, 2004  

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