Monday, September 20

it's all wrong but it's alright

i don't really have much to say... which is my problem. i'm not really changing myself.. and sometimes.. i dont' even care. i know that i want to be a christian and live like a christian.. but i feel so.. empty ...i don't have anything to go on. nothing is driving me. i have no passion. i know i can't change by myself, i need God to do it... but.. how? i'v asked him to change me.. i'v asked him to help me.. but.. nothings happening and i'm tired of it. so.. ya pray for me

God, please help me through this. i know that being close to you is when i'm at my best, i want to want you. i want to care. i want to be motivated. change me, change my thoughts and my attitude. forgive my apathy, help me stop giving in to myself. tell me what you want from me,. and teach me how to do it. amen


"make me whole
make me clean
make me pure as gold again"
the wildings

**warriors unleashed** free youth conference in vancouver w/ nolan+heather clark and the wildings


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christine~I love you and I have been praying for you for a while now...since the begining of the summer practically. I pray that you go to higher heights and deeper depths. Memeber...what are you passionate about? I asked you that when we first started become friends. Remember that and ask God to remind you and refresh you in those things...He will. He loves you lots and has a wonderful purpose for you. Lord, I pray that you show Christine a glimpse of what you have for her and with that, you give her hope that she can get there in your stength and not hers. I thank You that just a glimpse is well beyond good enough and I pray you impart that in Christine. I love you. Amen. Salina

4:31 PM, September 23, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God wants you love. Leading a "Christian" life, having a true passion for God, and him helping you to change to be more in his likeness are results of having a genuine LOVE for him. Wanting to be a good christian, wanting faith so he can change you, wanting to be at your best, wanting to want him, and wanting to be motivated doesn't make up for not loving him with your whole heart. (Not saying that you don't). Bluntly put, God wants your full attension and your undivided love, and Then you will being to see these things start falling into place.
please take this as encouragement, because that is what it's supposed to be.
just extremely forward encouragement

6:28 PM, October 13, 2004  

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