Sunday, September 25


Time is such an uncertain thing
not enough of it
too much time on ones hands
passing by too slowly,
or worse yet, passing too quickly
counting the days spent with a loved one
the days spent without them
missing them all together
it can bring about the end of things
a beginning to something else
the test of time
what an odd phrase
a song comes along on the radio
another few minutes pass, the song is overtime has yet again gone by
did you notice it
do you ever really notice it
it's something very small not to be noticed all the time
and something very big when a large amount goes by
have you lost it
time went by and nothing happened
how do you know
time will tell
how does time tell anything
what would it tell you if it could
you have all the time in the world,
maybe you can watch time
watch time go by on your watch, or watch your watch and pass the time
can you tell me the time
time to burn
must conserve your time
when is the right time for anything, if it's always the wrong time
a moment has passed, how much time was that
time is endless
why do you count it
how does time fly, where does it go
simpler times, complicated times, hard times, uncertain times
a short time, could there be a tall time
a long time, how about a wide time
it's high time.
there is no mistaking one thing
in all of life
and the many tests that are faced everyday
never spend your time regretting
truely, it is a waste of time.
By: Scott Picard


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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These industries fed on scarcity. There are only a few channels available. TV was technology of tyrants.
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4:35 PM, September 25, 2005  
Blogger CherryKristen said...

Nice! I wonder where ya got that from, great writer ya know?! haha jk. but i have a little something for you, not much. i hope your still keeping in touch with my wonderful piece of writings. They are improving! hope ya like em. love ya hun

11:06 PM, September 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:46 PM, September 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU YOU YOU!! yeah i said it, and yeah i mean it ;), lol ooh christine i thought ill leave a lil something something a lil message commetn replay write back tip top yada yada, have A GREAT FRIDAY AND ILL TTYL !!!!!!!!!1

who all thinks em's mean? .. crap

7:38 PM, September 29, 2005  
Blogger thePERFECTIONofFRAILTY said...

Hey Christine
i like never see you
and i live right beside you?
we should hang out some time!
call me ;-)
or just walk over

ps..... this is my blog

3:36 PM, October 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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12:38 AM, September 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done! |

12:38 AM, September 24, 2006  

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