Wednesday, May 26

hey guys

the weekend was good, we prayed for nicole at avalanche.. (read her blog for more info).. i also got released from more of my fears.. like fear of man, but i still have to work on that one. the dancing was so good! wow

ya... that whole thomas haney thing has really been on my mind the last day. (for those of you who don't know... there's this big crazy thing that God's "calling" people to go there and turn it upside down...) but i'm not sure if God wants me to go there or not, but i know that my school needs lots of help too, and i love hpmcs, there are so many hurting people that need a breakthrough in their lives. i want to see a revival in our school, cause we need it too! and God may want me to stay there until i grad... and i need to be fine with that. but i have a heart for T.H as well, and i have a heart for the unsaved, i care about where they're going when they die. i want to go in there and make a difference. i want to build relationships with hurting, lost people, and let God pour His love through me into that school.. i am praying a lot about it and the more i pray and think about it, the more i want to do it. i talked to my family about the idea and they're open to it and praying... i agree that i was getting too rialed up (however that's spelled?) and that my emotions could have influenced what i thought God was saying. i really don't want to do this just because other people are. i'm not going unless i hear clearly that God's plan is for me to be there... i do know that God's will WILL be done in my life and whatever school i'm in, i believe God's going to do stuff. and i think that everything happens for a reason, and that God has put in me a heart for public schools... maybe i'll go there, maybe i won't.. but i decided i won't worry, cause God's in complete control. please pray for me.. i'm thinking that maybe i'll be staying in HPM next year and then possibly going to TH for gr. 11 and 12, but i have NO CLUE.... thanks for your prayers.


switchfoot is the greatest!

any comments?

Sunday, May 16

hi guys!

i've been doing pretty good lately... there's not too much going on with me, but the hills are alive with the sound of music! did you know that?!

anyways.. yesterday at fuel beth vellakoop spoke and i never really realized how much fear i really do have inside of me... earlier yesterday jeff asked me to sing with him at church and i was like "no, it's scary!" and so throughout the whole sermon i was like "ahh! i have to sing! God, help me!" she said something like that if you care that much about what other people think, your treasure is on earth and not in heaven.. wow! that made me think real hard about how i want to be and where my values are. and so today i sang at church and it was really good... now it's for more confidence in the dancing departement... and whatever else i'm afraid to do!

"There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life... fear of judgment is one not yet fully formed in love. We, though, are going to love, love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first."
~1 john 4:18-19

ya... i'm still learning a lot about loving others and stuff.. if you just stop for a minute and think about the cross... how much love does God have for me? wow! i my mind cannot even begin to understand it! why arn't i overflowing in praise to him? and because of this sacrifice, how much more should we love others?

"love each other. just as i have loved you... your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."
~john 13:34-35

i think that's about it... let me know what you think


the whole second circle album, especially "near to you -waterdeep, "when i hear you" -the wildings, coldplay... anything else that i'm forgetting...

Tuesday, May 4

hello everyone,
i'm doing pretty good! i dyed my hair on saturday... and mrs. campbell let us leave class at 12:20 (instead of 1:10) me and a friend went to mc donalds and had a really awesome conversation ...i love talking about deep things... being real. being in shallow relationships have no value. when someone asks me how i am, i want to be real, and answer them truthfully.

me and some people were praying and stuff last sunday... it was so great. we were all in the same place with God and so it was really encouraging to talk to them and pray with them... we as a group decided to get up 30 mins earlier each morning and spend time with God. and it is easier to do it when i have accountability and motivation! i read out of 1 Corinthians today...

"an unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lords work and thinking how to please Him. but a married man can't do that so well. He has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. his interests are divided. In the same way, a woman who is no longer married or had never been married can be more devoted to the Lord ion body and in spirit, while the married woman must be concerned about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband."
~1 Corinthians 7:32-34

ok so i'm not saying i won't get married or date ever. i WILL get married and probably will date in a few years- don't you worry... but looking at it in the dating sence... if i had a boyfriend, i would spend a lot of time with him and stuff... for me, (i don't know what it's like for you perfect people out there) i would get distracted and my heart would become divided. time would most likely be taken away from time spent with God. i agree that it's possible to grow closer to God through a dating relationship, and i'm not saying that dating is wrong, but for now, i think that God wants me to live my life with an undivided heart; focusing straight on Him. and that's hard enough already! but really, what can you get out of a dating relationship that you can't get in a friendship? well... you can practice making out? umm... better hygiene? if you have strong relationships with guys (or girls), you can still befefit and learn how to be a good wife (or husband)... just a thought...

so anyways... i'm doing pretty good, and i feel like i'm finally coming out of the rut i was in... praise the Lord! i'm really trying to love others like how God loves me.. (read marks blog apr. 30) he has given us everything, can't we give some of it out? why have we become so selfish, only thinking about our own needs? all of Philippians, and 1 John.. they are short books.

"do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others..."
-Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

"Watch the way you talk. let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift."
-Ephesians 4:29- (MSG)


"could i" -kim mcmechan, "it's time" -wildings, "i surrender all" (the hymn), "i am longing", "undivivded focus", "thankyou for the cross" -heather clark, "i could run away", "i will bow", "near to you", "i cannot hide my love", and any other song from waterdeep, "much" -ten shekel shirt, "on fire", "the beautiful letdown" -switchfoot