hey guys
the weekend was good, we prayed for nicole at avalanche.. (read her blog for more info).. i also got released from more of my fears.. like fear of man, but i still have to work on that one. the dancing was so good! wow
ya... that whole thomas haney thing has really been on my mind the last day. (for those of you who don't know... there's this big crazy thing that God's "calling" people to go there and turn it upside down...) but i'm not sure if God wants me to go there or not, but i know that my school needs lots of help too, and i love hpmcs, there are so many hurting people that need a breakthrough in their lives. i want to see a revival in our school, cause we need it too! and God may want me to stay there until i grad... and i need to be fine with that. but i have a heart for T.H as well, and i have a heart for the unsaved, i care about where they're going when they die. i want to go in there and make a difference. i want to build relationships with hurting, lost people, and let God pour His love through me into that school.. i am praying a lot about it and the more i pray and think about it, the more i want to do it. i talked to my family about the idea and they're open to it and praying... i agree that i was getting too rialed up (however that's spelled?) and that my emotions could have influenced what i thought God was saying. i really don't want to do this just because other people are. i'm not going unless i hear clearly that God's plan is for me to be there... i do know that God's will WILL be done in my life and whatever school i'm in, i believe God's going to do stuff. and i think that everything happens for a reason, and that God has put in me a heart for public schools... maybe i'll go there, maybe i won't.. but i decided i won't worry, cause God's in complete control. please pray for me.. i'm thinking that maybe i'll be staying in HPM next year and then possibly going to TH for gr. 11 and 12, but i have NO CLUE.... thanks for your prayers.
switchfoot is the greatest!
any comments?