Friday, July 29

thoughts of the week

why hate when you can love?
why put down when you can encourage?
why take when you can give?
why be fake when you can be real?
why shut your eyes when you can see?
why be mad when you can be happy?
why be bored when you can have fun?
why cry when you can laugh?
why hold back when it's right in front of you?
why walk when you can run?
why worry when you can take it easy?
why be broken when you can be healed?
why keep wishing when you can experience?
why wake up when you can sleep in?
why be afraid when you can trust?
why be weak when you can be strong?
why have a bad day when it can be good?
why be old when you can be made new?
why be dull when you can be bright?
why argue when you can cooperate?
why die when you can live?

Saturday, July 23

verse of the day

may the words of my mouth
and the thoughts of my heart
be pleasing to you

psalm 19:14

Saturday, July 9

i don't wanna change the world
i only wanna stop pretending