Tuesday, October 25

Are we left here on our own?
Can you feel when your last breath is gone?
Night is waiting heavy now
Be quiet and wait for a voice that will say

Come awake from sleep, arise
You were dead,
become alive.
Wake up, wake up,
Open your eyes.
Climb from your grave
Into the light
Bring us back to life

You are not the only one
Who feels like the only one
Night soon will be lifted friend
Just be quiet and wait for the voice that will say

Come awake from sleep, arise
You were dead, become alive.
Wake up, wake up,
Open your eyes.
Climb from your grave
Into the light
Bring us back to life

Rise, rise,
to life to life.. shine,

light will shine
love will rise
light will shine
We will rise
shine, shine, shine

he's shining on us now

sometimes we're so dead. bring us back to life.
awake O my soul

Monday, October 17

lily of the valley

Lily of the valley
bright and morning star
fairest of ten thousand you are
how can i perceive your beauty?
i long to see your face

Jesus, Jesus

Holy lamb of heaven
perfect son of man
acquainted with our suffering
broken for us all
how can i perceive your mercy?
help me find your grace

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

more of you and less of me
more of you and less of me
more of you, and more of you

Wednesday, October 12


ok so.. last week or 2 weeks ago and my good friend was planning this big birthday dinner and a movie with a limmo and everything, and she didn't know the date for sure and it was just an idea. we had an idea of what day (sat 15th), but i didn't book anything off work, b/c i didn't want to book it off, then be able to work it anyways. so the next day i find out that her parents booked the limmo and it's for sure now, and also that i'm working that night, boo hoo. so she got kind of upset and it was lame. so i had a delema. i tryed everything i could to switch the shift but there was no way (b/c we only have like 5 employees) so i prayed about it and stuff. oh! and fuel was also supossed to be on that day too. and baskin robbins is slowing down for the winter, so we don't have that many hours. so i've been worryed about that lately. i really want to be a good employee and stuff, so i didn't want to just drop that shift. so ya.. but it gets better don't worry. i went to work on saturday and talked to mia (my boss) explained everything to her and she let me off. so that was good, but i only had like 6 hours this week then, but i didn't want to ask for another shift after i dropped out on one so i just left it. and.. my friends stepdad comes in and asks me if i want to babysit for him that night, and i got $40 for 5 hours! that was amazing. so i'm working un sunday and then mia and james ask me if i want to work 11-2 the next day so i'm like ok. (we always have super short shifts). so i worked (this is thanksgiving) and the girl that was supposed to work after me was reallly sick so i worked her shift too, it was the longest shift i ever worked... 5 hours 11-4:30! and that was a holiday so i might get like more money than normal! annd... i hear that fuel is going to be on the 22nd instead! so i can go to my friends birthday thing, go to fuel, AND have more shifts than i could ask for!
God is so faithful

"marching bands of manhatten" >death cab for cutie
"X&Y" >coldplay
"change me on the inside" >i forget

*the new david crowder*
peace out