Sunday, November 28

"healthy people don't need a doctor,
sick people do.
i have come to call sinners to turn away from their sins,
not to spend my time with those who think they are already good enough."
~Luke 5:31-32~
if we were perfect, we wouldn't need God, there would be no point of living. you don't clean yourself before going into the bathtub, you go into the bathtub to clean yourself. you don't have to fix all your problems in order to come to God, come to God, then He can fix your problems. he knows us, he sees us as we are. if it's impossible to be perfect, then why do we so often get frustrated when we arn't? why set those goals, when.. we can't reach them, no matter how hard we try? everyone makes mistakes. everyone fails, you can't change that. but God is full of grace. he knows that it's not all about all the little rules to follow. it's about our relationship, about your heart.
but we all, with unveild face beholding
as in a mirror
the glory of the Lord...
~2 Corinthians 3:18~
a mirror, you'd think would be like a perfect reflection.. right? ...wrong! the mirror paul was talking about in that time didn't even come close to a good reflection. it was horrible! We as christians sometimes think that we have to live up to all these things, but really, God wants us to take it one step at a time... we're beholding, not striving. don't leave it up to yourself to do it, or you won't get there. God will transform you.
unless God changes you, you'll always be the way you are.

Friday, November 19

bonjour amigos

i havn't really had the greatest.. month. i feel like i'm missing out on a lot of things. school isn't cool, i'm having a hard time with the friends situation... i don't even know...

love.. that's what i gotta do.. that's all ya gotta do!
...think about it...

okay so i'm like walking in this desert.. i feel kinda dry, but still feel like i'm kinda getting somewhere. every once in a while i feel little puddles under my feet.. so refreshing... i love it. i keep walking.. lalala doing my own thing. then i hear a faint noise.. the sound of water. so i look over, and i see this big river... and i think to myself "why.. couldn't i see? didn't i know this was lurking right beside me? i could have been there all this time.. i am so tired and thirsty.."

i'm so frustrated with my life.. with people, school, me... why are people so fake? why do people change into something they're not? love people for who they are, not for what they should be. why can't everyone just stop, and think. do they even know what they are doing? what pointless things they're living for? can't we all just be real with ourselves and each other? how come we can't just love each other, be real friends, have real relationships. no one cares, no one listens, no one understands.

question: what is a real friend? (comment)

damien rice, imr, lauryn hill, waterdeep, jason upton, ari, blindside

Thursday, November 4

hey everyone

so.. i had the worst day ever yesterday. someone (not saying who) is spreading a rumor in my very small school that's NOT TRUE about me! and i'm really mad... i tryed talking to her but she's denying everything... ugh (so i ya hear anything about me.. just know, its not true)

anyways, things are doing pretty good with God.. i'm just having a hard time right now.

love y'all
