sweet spring rain
rain dampens your soul
adds weight to your step
makes something die inside of you.
you can't live with it, but you can't live without it.
but the water from the sky is a necessity
though perhaps it can be miserable.
rain makes the grass greener
grows the plants larger
washes the air cleaner.
if it wasn't for the rain, the sun wouldn't be as enjoyable.
rain is the process of making the world beautiful
refreshing, renewing.
the showers are falling,
so enjoy it while it's here.
now is not the time for sunshine
just wait, it will come
always remember that the weather changes.
you may not understand it right now,
but the soft spring rain is much needed at this moment
the skies will break open with sunshine
-but not today.
the beach boys *kokomo, 409.. and many many more...
jack johnson >props to salina who got me the CD fo ma b-day
blindside "silence" disc
"how life can turn" -the appleseed cast
"how many mics" -the fugees and lauryn hill
"a movie script ending" -death cab
3 cheers for IMR!
coldplay hey hey! i want their new CD!
ok.. my work is done here, peace out yo!